Are you looking for a VERY UNIQUE gift? One that will send your children in a fit of giggles?
Moxie Girlz Poopsy Pet Doll is…umm….Special. These dolls come with fun pets that do what pets do best. Eat and poop.
There are three different dolls in the series. Kellan is more popular with her unicorn that poops glittery rainbows!
It’s not a joke! These dolls are real toys. Below are some reviews for the Poopsy Pet Dolls that are helpful and comical…
This reviewer explains the popularity of Kellan….
I don’t even know why they make the rest of this line of dolls
May 31, 2014
By Mara Saxer “Mara”
A unicorn that poops glittery rainbow eggs is basically as amazing as it’s going to get. I guess the one that poops gems is kind of ok, but really, this doll is the clear winner.
Not even really the doll, but the unicorn pet, if we’re being honest. I only wish I could buy more eggs, so she could poop thousands.
This review explains the novelty runs out but the doll and pet are still loved…
Cute doll + Pet Unicorn = Happy Child, May 12, 2014
By twokidstwodogs
My daughter loves the doll. She thinks it’s so cool to have a unicorn for a pet.
The pooping element was novel for the first day or so where she continually wanted to feed it and watch it come out.
Now weeks later, the doll with a unicorn makes her smile from ear to ear. No poops required!
This last review warns of the easily disappearing poop….
I had a bad feeling about being able to keep track of them
April 24, 2014
By EDandLadyAnn
My almost 3 year old daughter got the “rainbow dropping” version of this doll as a gift….
Although she had a blast chasing them around and laughing as the little unicorn did it’s duty, I had a bad feeling about being able to keep track of them.
Sure enough, within an hour we were down to 2….Oh well, it was a fun idea for her for the short time it lasted…
Now she just has a fashionable doll with a “dropping free” pet unicorn.
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